FFY26 AHW and MOMA Analysis

Please feel free to download Toyon’s detailed FY26 average hourly wage (AHW) and occupational mix trend analysis. An evaluation of AHW data is generated by entering a Medicare provider number in cell A1 of the tab “Provider AHW Analysis”.

  • Tab 1 compares the FY26 AHW data to the provider’s respective CBSA and to the prior year final FY25 AHW data.

  • Tab 2 compares the FY26 occupational mix against FY25 and FY24.

For additional information, please contact Ryan Sader at ryan.sader@toyonassociates.com

Note: The lookup functions in this analysis require a newer version of Excel. If your lookups are not populating, please contact Ryan Sader directly for your analysis.