Absolute® Cloud Software
Automate and standardize the entire cost report preparation process with Absolute, our cloud-based CMS Form 2552-10 Medicare Cost Report Workpaper Software tool. Save valuable time by reducing manual data entry, eliminating redundancy and user input error, and accessing real-time detailed data analysis all in one program. Absolute maximizes efficiency and accuracy, allowing professionals to concentrate on the greatest revenue and compliance risk.
Reduce manual data entry: Absolute’s flexible file importing allows for simple single uploads of system-wide cost report data and external documents. Further optimize efficiency by automating revenue reclassifications when importing General Ledger and Revenue & Usage documents and utilizing the PS&R import tool to assign revenue codes directly or by crosswalk.
Eliminate redundancy: Absolute’s intuitive business intelligence dashboards provide immediate identification of data abnormalities across all providers and multi-fiscal year trends.
Access real-time data analysis: Absolute provides a system-generated three-year comparison export that allows for cost report comparability analysis for all cost report schedules.
Count on reliable customer support: Toyon provides support on the nuances of Medicare cost report preparation via an integrated support chat bot, searchable web-based material, and our team of experienced consultants.
Jonica Weigel
(888) 514-9312
Get started with Toyon today.
(888) 514-9312
Concord CA | Costa Mesa CA | Knoxville TN