FFY 2023 IPPS Final Rule: National Medicare IPPS Estimates

CMS estimates hospitals will receive an overall change of $1.4 billion in IPPS payments, as compared to FFY 2022. Estimated payments per the FFY 2023 IPPS Final Rule are $1.7 billion higher than the FFY 2023 IPPS Proposed Rule, largely due to the final market basket of 4.3%, which is 1.1% greater than the market basket in the FFY 2023 IPPS Proposed Rule. CMS estimates the $1.4 billion increase in payments as follows:

+ $2.4 billion net increase in operating payments, including the -$318 million reduction to UC DSH. 

 – $1 billion net decrease in payments related to payment changes in programs for new technology, low volume hospitals, GME, and capital.  

Table 1: Market Basket Adjustment

Table 2: Other Payment Adjustments

For more information, please contact Fred Fisher at (925) 685-9312 or fred.fisher@toyonassociates.com.


Inpatient Prospective Payment System Final Rule: FFY 2023


FFY 2023 IPPS Final Rule: Standardized Base Rates